Dorothea(Thea) Lloyd (Garsia)
Dorothea Lloyd, was a teacher at SCEGS, Sydney
When they married Dorothea was 41 and Rupert was 46 Commander Rupert C. Garsia was Administrator of Nauru from 1933 to 1938. He died c.1954. His wife Mrs Dorothea Garsia, died in Canberra on May 16, 1968. The papers consist of three documents relating mainly to Commander Garsia's period of administration of Nauru. They are: 1. A diary of Mrs Dorothea Garsia for the period May 22, 1934 to November 16, 1938. 2. Notes by Commander Garsia on the history of Nauru from 1788 to 1933 and an account of the Nauru Administration and community health and health facilities around the time of Garsia's arrival in 1933. 3. A brief outline of medical work at Nauru from 1933 to 1938 (with an introduction covering 1920-1932) by Dr T.M. Clouston, Government Medical Officer, Nauru. A model Nauruan canoe was presented to the Pacific Manuscripts Bureau in the late 1960s by the heirs of the late Mrs Dorothea Garsia, who died in Canberra in May 1968. Mrs Garsia was the widow of Commander Rupert C. Garsia, Administrator of Nauru from 1933 to 1938. Commander Garsia died in 1954. As far as is known, the Nauruans have not made canoes of the type modelled since before World War II. However, examples of this type are to be found in the Horniman Museum, London, and the Museum of Völkerkunde, Hamburg. The model had become dilapidated over the years while on display in the Coombs Building. Dorothy McIntosh, the Administrator in the Division of Pacific and Asian History, sent the canoe to the University of Canberra’s Conservation of Cultural Materials Program for restoration. A student, Stacey Hargraves, cleaned decades of dust from the pandanus sail, wove patches for it, mended the rigging, raised the mast, and lashed the outrigger and boom which had come adrift. It took many hours of pains-taking work under the supervision of her lecturer, Beata Tworek-Matuszkiewicz. The result is a wonderfully restored Nauruan canoe which will find an honourable place in the Coombs Building, properly protected in a glass |
Bong Bong Church. WEDDING OF INTEREST. In the pretty little country church at Bong Bong, outside Moss Vale, a wedding of interest was cele- brated on Saturday afternoon, when Miss Dorothea Lloyd, elder daughter of the late Dr. H. Sanderson Lloyd, of Hunter's Hill, and Mrs. Sander- son Lloyd, of Dolobran, Rose Bay, was married to Commander R. C. Garsia, Administrator of Nauru. The bridegroom, who was formerly an officer of the Royal Australian Navy, and was in command of the Naval Depot, Garden Island, before his appointment at Nauru, is well known in Sydney, where he made his home for many years. The bride, who preferred a quiet country wedding, went with her family to Moss Vale last week and stayed at Mrs. Rennie's home, Greyes, where the wedding reception was held. The Rev. A. G. Perkins performed the ceremony at Christ Church, Bong Bong. The bride was given away by her brother, Mr. David Lloyd, and wore a gown of mush- room pink georgette and a wide-brimmed hat to match. Her bouquet was of water-lilies and lily of the valley. There were two bridesmaids, Miss Rachel Lloyd, sister of the bride, and Miss Margaret Garsia, niece of the bridegroom. The former wore forget me-not blue windswept satin and a hat of black velvet, and Miss Garsia's frock of georgette was in the same tone of blue. She wore a fillet of pink roses in her hair to match the flowers that both she and Miss Lloyd carried. Mr. Rollo Pincham was best man, and Mr. Eric Garsia, brother of the bridegroom, was groomsman. After the ceremony, the bride's mother, wearing a frock of copper beech crepe and a mole coat and hat to tone, received a number of guests at Greyes. Later Com- mander and Mrs. Garsia left for Melbourne, where they will spend their honeymoon. They will sail for Nauru on May 10. |