Joshua Watson b 1747
This is the last Will and Testament of me Joshua Watson of Staindrop in the County of Durham Gentleman I Give and devise unto my Sons Joseph Watson of Watling Street in the City of London Merchant and William Watson of Liverpool Druggist and my Son in Law George Binns of Sunderland near the Sea in the said County of Durham Draper All that my message or dwelling house with the outbuildings yard garden and premises thereunto belonging situate at Staindrop aforesaid and now in my own occupation To hold the same unto and to the use of the said Joseph Watson William Watson and George Binns their heirs and assigns for ever Upon the trusts following that is to say In trust for my wife Rachael Watson and her assigns for and during the term of her natural life And from and after her decease upon trust as soon as conveniently may be to sell and dispose of the same messuage and premises either by public auction or private Contract for the best price that can be reasonably gotten for the same and to apply the money by such sale or sales arising in manner hereinafter mentioned And I declare and direct that the receipt or receipts of the said Joseph Watson William Watson and George Binns or the survivors or survivor of them or the heirs or assigns of such survivor under his or their hand or hands respectively shall effectually discharge the purchaser or purchasers of the said hereditaments and premises hereby directed to be sold as aforesaid or any part or parcel thereof of and from so much of his or their purchase money as shall be therein acknowledged or expressed to be received and that such purchaser or purchasers shall not afterwards be answerable or accountable for any loss misapplication or nonapplication of such purchase money or any part thereof I Give and bequeath all my household furniture beds bedding plate linen and china to the said Joseph Joseph Watson William Watson and George Binns their Executors administrators and assigns upon the trusts following, (that is to say) In trust to permit and suffer my said wife Rachael Watson to hold and enjoy the same during her life and from and after her decease Upon trust to sell and dispose of the same And I direct that the money therefrom arising shall be applied and disposed of in manner hereinafter mentioned And as to all my ready money and money upon any securities and all the residue of my personal Estate whatsoever not herein otherwise disposed of I Give and bequeath the same unto the said Joseph Watson William Watson and George Binns their Executors administrators and assigns upon trust to get in and convert into money the same and by and out of the money therefrom arising to pay all my just debts and funeral and Testamentary expences and to place out or and invest the surplus which shall remain after such payments in or upon Government or real securities at Interest and from time to time to call in and dispose of the principal money so to be placed out or invested and to place out or invest the same again in or upon other Government or real securities at Interest until the same shall become payable by virtue of the trusts of this my will And I declare and direct that the said Joseph Watson William Watson and George Binns their Executors administrators and assigns shall be possessed of the money hereinbefore directed to be placed out at Interest as aforesaid Upon trust to pay the Interest dividends and yearly proceeds therefrom arising to my said wife Rachael Watson and her assigns for and during her natural life And from and after the decease of my said wife I direct that the said Joseph Watson William Watson and George Binns their Executors administrators and assigns shall stand and be possessed of and interested in the monies to arise and be produced by sale of my messuage and premises as aforesaid and from my personal Estate and also the monies directed to be placed out at Interest as aforesaid and all other my personal Estate In trust for my children the said Joseph Watson Grainger Watson William Watson Henry Watson Elizabeth Brady Sarah Watson Margaret Binns and Rachael Rowntree equally to be divided amongst them share and share alike And I declare and direct that in case any of my said children shall die before he she or they shall have received his her or their share or shares of the monies herein before directed to be divided amongst them as aforesaid having issue lawfully begotten living at their decease or born alive afterwards in that case the share which each of my said children so dying would have been entitled to of and in such monies if he or she had lived to receive the same shall go to and be in trust for such issue in equal shares if more than one and shall be paid to such issue as and when he she or they shall respectively attain the age of twenty one years and the Interest in the meantime shall be applied for or towards his her or their respective maintenance education or benefit But in case any of my said children shall die before he she or they shall have received his her or their share or shares of the said monies without having issue lawfully begotten living at their decease or born alive afterwards in that case the share which each of my said children so dying as last aforesaid would have been entitled to of and in such monies if he or she had lived to receive the same shall go to and be In trust for the next of kin of such child or children so dying without issue as aforesaid And I hereby nominate and appoint the said Joseph Watson William Watson and George Binns Executors of this my will and I declare and direct that the said Joseph Watson William Watson and George Binns their Executors administrators or assigns shall not be answerable or accountable the one for the others or other of them nor for the acts receipts neglects or defaults of the others or other of them but each of them for his own acts receipts neglects or defaults only and by no means for involuntary losses And also that they respectively shall and may by and out of the said trust Estates monies and promises retain to and reimburse themselves respectively all their costs charges damages and expenses to be occasioned by the execution of the trusts in them reposed by virtue of this my will or any wise in relation thereto And I hereby revoke all my former wills In witness whereof I have to this my last will and Testament contained in three sheets of paper set my hand and seal, that is to say, my hand at the bottom of the first two sheets thereof and my hand and seal to this third and last sheet thereof the twenty fifth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty |